Fat burners - action and characteristics
Fat burners work on two levels. On the one hand, they are based on the process of increasing thermogenesis. As the name suggests, it's all about increasing the current body temperature. Defense mechanisms want to cool him down in some way - sweat production occurs. The large amount of sweat produced takes up energy, which can come for example from consumed carbohydrates or fat. When these reserves are depleted, energy will come from burning body fat, making the amount of energy less and less. Continuously increasing thermogenesis leads to an intensive loss of body fat and efficient weight reduction.
In addition, metabolic processes are also intensified by fat burners. As a result, digestion, for example, is even more effective. Thanks to these effects, you can get rid of fat more comfortably - without spending hours on a bike or treadmill. Still, fat burners are recommended for advanced people whose bodies react poorly to the negative calorie balance produced by exercise and diet. It should be noted that fat burners alone are not enough to reduce fat - you also need physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet. See Fat&WeightLoss - Crossthelimits.
Which fat burners to choose?
There are different types of fat burners. There are weaker and stronger preparations. At the beginning you never know how your body will react to a given product. That's why it is best to start with weaker preparations and gradually switch to stronger ones (in case of lack of satisfactory results).